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Cuba Is Not the Second China (And Other Essays)

Cuba Is Not the Second China (And Other Essays)

  Martin Sandiford

  Copyright © 2014 by Martin Sandiford


  Destructive Minority

  The Passive Story of Ukraine

  Thailand take-off

  Cuba Is Not the Second China!

  Sexual Stunting

  Sexual Dismay and Bisexualism

  Critic to Existentialism

  Review: “The Universe is a Dream”

  Destructive Minority

  Economical and cultural criterion and standards cause some minority groups to avoid entering social competitions automatically. These groups are divided into two: (1) Groups which don't join social competitions because of free choice e.g. cultural and conscience minorities which can not participate in this cultural competitions because of not accepting pop culture. (2) Groups which lose their chance to join because of not having necessary abilities in being matched with social and cultural standards, while they believe in pop culture of society. Such as those who tend to have educational degrees but won't have it because of current economic conditions and can't enter social competitions. Accepting this fact will be difficult for second minority group when the state gives the same facilities to foreign and non-local members who can match with this economic and cultural system. So this minority will feel out by the society. This will make them follow their benefits non-legally, some ways which are definitely non-legal and perhaps in conflict with public ethics. No doubt that we can't expect this minority to be the same as others. Because they don't have an equal opportunity with others to join social competitions and have a positive impact on society. Or they have paid more than others to have such an opportunity. But it does not mean to accept them as destructive and anti-social minority. So it is necessary to have a little society in the heart of a big one for this minority same as small societies made for non-local or religious minorities such as Chinese people. So this minority will follow the rules of that small society in which it is a member. And also there is no need for it to break the rules and public ethics for its own benefit.

  The Passive Story of Ukraine

  The movement story of the Ukraine only understood when we don't want to understand!

  The Ukraine begins a new season of political history as a result of Orange Revolution. Russia refused to deliver gas to Ukraine in the winter of each year during the Orange government. This caused death of many Ukrainian citizens. A few years later, the people in a democratic election, eliminate the Orange government. Tymoshenko the Prime Minister of Orange government sentenced to prison.

  Nowadays, Ukrainian are wishing for the Orange government and liberty of Tymoshenko!

  Democracy isn't possible without the bread.

  Does Ukraine economy improved so that the Ukrainian again are demanding freedom and the return of Tymoshenko?

  Thailand take-off

  My recent discussion with a Thai student tend me find some information about the movement of Thai people. According to the student's idea, for the Thai people economy has priority over political ethics and this is the reason of political corruption in Thailand. But they don't have the power and can't change anything.

  His reasons couldn't convince me to not express my uncertainty about results.

  If they can't change anything so why they chose the option of revolution?

  If the economy takes precedence over political morality, then why didn't benefit from election option?

  But one can't ignore the fact that there isn't always a reason to create a social movement.

  Cuba Is Not the Second China!

  Maybe if the People's Republic of China wasn't accepted as a member of the United Nations it wouldn't be as powerful, as it today is. The approval rating for UN and also the Security Council were given to People's Republic of China, during the presidency of Nixon. This approval rating was given to China in exchange for leaving alone North Vietnam or in other word, the Viet Cong. The Vietnamese war ended with the fall of Saigon, but China gained such an approval, by which it interrupts the globalization order and directs it against democracy, human rights, and environmental law.

  Of course Cuba doesn't have the capability to become a second China but it's a potential Russian base in the American Continent. The isolation that U.S compelled to Cubans made Russia the mere survival Guarantee of Cuba. All governments are definitely struggling to survive. Russia sold the privilege of survival guarantee to Cuba and North Korea, when every other countries in the world, isolated the two aforementioned countries. How much does it costs?

  -A share of the Capital!

  Anyways, considering the return of Kremlin's attention to Havana, the only approach that can be adopted is resumption of imposition of political and economic isolation against Cuba. But this isn't solely enough; rather, Latin America requires independent political powers in order to create an alliance in Latin America and Caribbean. Doubtlessly, guaranteed such an alliance is organized adequately, it will eliminate the Russian political influence zone in Latin America and Caribbean.

  The Ancient Roman Empire's tactic is a proper model for controlling Latin America and Caribbean. Roman Empire appointed local governors for its occupied lands which where inhabited by foreign citizens, and avoided direct governance over those lands.

  Controlling Latin America and Caribbean is possible through the Latin American powers which are allies with Washington. Otherwise, we should only hope that the reformations in Cuba won't lead to the power development of this Russian island. We shouldn't forget that the number of Latin American Caribbean citizens residing in the U.S is more than the number of U.S citizens residing in the Latin American countries. An allied Latin America and Caribbean can makes use of its abroad-residing-citizens as a tool for expanding its influence zone, just as the U.S federal government did to Texas back in 1848, when it was part of Mexico.

  Sexual Stunting

  The advent of exhibitionism as one of the components of the New Wave cinema started from the 60s and continues to the present. As the scenes of nudity are the supplier of the audiences’ demands, it has also become one of the most important demands of the producers. However, the producers have often raised their demands to film producers in an obligatory way. The actors must realize these demands. This isn't the case that what some actors have told about their first experiences of scenes including nudity in their interviews; Nervous or any exertion to prepare themselves to play such a role. All these feelings can be count on their first experience. The subject of this discussion is about the social and cultural bases that these actors appear from. An actor is not a person who has worked in a restaurant before or has been performing non-specialized and common place tasks and has suddenly entered cinema. Expecting this group to play roles and scenes of nudity is a counter-cultural expectation. Public nudity is not something that a citizen (or in other word member) of pop culture can accept. The director or anyone else who enters cinema can't ask for the changes in the general policies of cinema. But there is always the possibility of changes within each system, so that both producers and audiences’ demands are fulfilled. As there are stuntmen for dangerous cinema activities, it is possible to consider models for sexual activities and nudity. Thus, not only the social and cultural bases from which most actors usually arise from would not be damaged and expose them to cultural exchange with which they have lived and have grown, but also the needs of both producers and cinema is provided. Unfortunately we can't ignore the obstacles in the way of reforming approaches. Because there are always some people working in a restaurant who have transferred to cinema and accept the reality of cinematic exhibitionism ar
en't willing to make an effort to reform the system. This group has always reminded me of Mao's Red Army. A number of young people in the community that couldn't succeed started to defend Mao's dictatorship in the harshest way possible, so that they can be benefited in this way.

  Sexual Dismay and Bisexualism

  Before we enter the topic of sexual dismay, it's necessary to explain the identification dismay as a brief introduction. A case of identification dismay included a personal statement to which he began to do some behaviors that are against or alien with his natural features including sexual and psychological features although there is no external force. For example victims those who their personality damaged as a result of a crime, such as victims of rape and victims of bullying, due to the intense dissatisfaction of feeling coming created characteristics of their personality and those who suffer from depression due to losing relationship with environmental elements are both such as group identity to be identification dismay. But sexual dismay may be the result of independent identification dismay or even create it in person. Thus a person than its normal sexual orientation or motivation to be indifferent and its dismay allows him to picks up other sexual behavior which is outside of his nature to satisfy his sexual desire.

  Causes such as sexual addiction and unpleasant memories of sexual behavior can cause a person to determine the sexual dismay. In most cases these people introduce bisexual as their sexual orientation, but in fact losing sexual motivation, whiles a person objectively unable to communicate with his sexual orientation can be the cause of the formation of such a sexual behavior. In such circumstances a person to satisfy his sexual desire may pickup sexual behavior that is outside of his nature, and he is unable to communicate with it on psychic. As users of sex toys who aren't able to have mental communication with these instruments, they also feel and experience similar sexual behavior with their sexual partner. In many cases those who sufferers from sexual dismay are unaware of their dismay or even accepted as a normal treatment.

  Critic to Existentialism

  A main part of these thoughts are as: the universe has no creator. Many philosophers such as Foucault, Niche and Kant had some theories in this case about ethics and law etc. Although many of them where misbelievers, their theories weren't according to acceptance of not having a creator. But Existentialism's theory is according to have no creator. But we can't deny a source for this universe. What is that?

  God? Dialectical materialism? Or something else?

  Existentialism can't answer this main question. They accept not having a creator for the universe as a reality without filling the source gap with something else. They then assert Existentialism according to this basis. Existentialism isn't a philosophy, it's only a literature and art thought.

  Review: “The Universe is a Dream”

  The author of this book claims that the universe we're experiencing is a dream and not a reality. Same belief can find in the movie "The Matrix".

  In response to this claim, I should say that all human beings are alone and independent in their dreams. You experience life with your partner or family. But you are the only one experiencing what you see when you're asleep or in your dreams.

  So if the universe was a dream, it would be to the number of all people living. But we all have a common picture of the universe in which we live. Windows Vista is common to all of us. We all know about World War II.

  Can seven billion population of the world see a common dream?

  So the universe isn't a dream.

  Author may claim that seven billion population of the world is just a dream! And all these people come from your imagination.

  The answer: If you believe your existence, I also believe in myself existence. And this means the separation. Separation means that you're an entity separate and independent from mine. But you and I have the same picture of the universe while we're separate and independent of each other.

  Is the universe a dream?!